Saturday 4 August 2012

Club Penguin August 2012 Upcoming Events!

Club Penguin August 2012 Upcoming Events!

Here's a sneak peek for some August 2011 upcoming events!

Saa-weet. The pictures are centered around the Adventure Party, which will take place in August.

Picture #1: It looks like an underground room or a party room.
Picture #2: Most likely a clothing catalog sneak peek.
Picture #3: Herbert? What is he up too now?!

August seems as an okay month... personally I thought more events would happen because a lot of kids are on summer break.

In other news, Club Penguin has introduced a new employee which will help them around the blog and post UK news. Her name is Daffodaily5.

Tell me what you see in the August sneak peek by posting a comment!


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