Friday 11 May 2012

better igloos may 2012

Club Penguin Furniture Catalog Cheats May 2012

Club Penguin have finally updated their better igloos catalog. This month there are only three hidden items.
furniture 300x271 « Club Penguin Cheats
Here are the cheats for the hidden items:
1. For the Elegant plants, turn to page one and click on the Knightly Shrubbery shield.
kingt 300x187 « Club Penguin Cheats
2. For the Vine Swing, turn to page 3 and click on the Fairy wood’s flag.
fariy 300x187 « Club Penguin Cheats
3. For the Armour rack, turn to page 7 and click on the Wishing well.
wishwish 300x181 « Club Penguin Cheats
Also, when you hover over the hidden item, yellow stars start to appear. 

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