Friday 11 May 2012

Club Penguin Puffle Mystery

Club Penguin Puffle Mystery

While watching Club Penguin‘s latest video, Puffle Trouble, on their Youtube Channel, I noticed something very odd at one point of the video. At the point of 1:31 of the video, I noticed a very unusual Pink Puffle among all of the puffles that were in Herbert’s secret cave. Take a look at this mysterious Pink Puffle:
Odd Puffle « Club Penguin Cheats

As you can see from the image I have provided above, the Pink Puffle seems to have brown ears on its little head and a pink tail that looks a little bit like what a raccoon’s tail would look like. Could this puffle be released as a different kind of puffle in the future? If so, what do you think this species of puffle would be called? Leave your answers down in the comments.

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